Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday Flash

World Cup 2006
Originally uploaded by pookie_san99.
Well for Japan the 2006 World Cup is over.Bundled out of the competition by an improving Brazil side earlier this Friday morning Japan time.Not that Japan is alone in not making the second round.Some higher ranked countries such as the Czech Republic and the United States are also packing their bags.
The premature end to Japans run will no doubt have some impact on the bars and other places that screened World Cup matches.It was widely reported sales of large screen televisions had also increased due to the interest in the event.
Im sad its over.It means I can go back to a regular sleeping pattern.NHK and some of the other free to air channels usually had two games on each night.The first started round 10pm and the second about 1a.m though Japans game today started at 4a.m local time.
It also means that baseball will once again fill the television screens and media.Next week the World Cup will be but a bitter memory after the success of 2002.
It also means a welcome distraction from the rainy season and the seemingly daily murder reports involving children as either victims and perpetrators has gone.I just hope that NHK decide to screen the final on its general channel.
Finally I havent been drowning my sorrows after Japans loss.The drinks in the photo are actually fridge magnets.The tall bottle at the rear is labelled Godzilla Extra.....

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