The weather this time of year is very temperamental.I should have taken photos yesterday when Mother Nature choose to keep the clouds and rain at bay.Unfortunately today, low fog combined with short downpours and clammy drizzle meant that a lot of the magnolia flowers had fallen or were looking the worst for wear.As you may know the magnolia is the city flower of Shanghai.The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall in Peoples Square boasts of having a roof designed in the manner of a magnolia flower.If you use your imagination when you gaze up and knew this useless piece of information then it may be possible to discern the similarities.Possibly.
The two shots above are from the grounds of the Shanghai Art Museum in Peoples Square.You can see how grey and murky the sky is.In the past week flights from Pudong have been delayed or diverted due to this low cloud and poor visibility.Not only is the temperature variable each day but throughout the day as well.One needs to come armed with a coat and an umbrella due to the nights still being chill in contrast to the pleasant afternoons which have shot into the mid 20s.
The last two photos are from Peoples Square.You can make out the Radison UFO like dome on the top left.The other photo is near the entrance to the Metro for Line 2.There were two lines of magnolia trees looking very nice yesterday in the mid afternoon sun.Today however, the rain had caused them to look very fornlorn.Lots of petals lying on the ground and those remaining on the tree already looking stained and turning brown.
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