I visited the Nagoya Tram and Subway Museum earlier in the week.Its near Akaike subway station on the Tsuramai Line.Theres a wall map at the station.The museum is basically a block behind the station.Turn right as you leave Exit 2.Walk straight down the hill.At the end of the street turn right and head towards the traffic lights and Route 153.At the intersection cross the road and turn right.You should be heading up the hill on Route 153.Theres a big sign indicating the museum over the traffic lanes.
There are four old tram and subway cars on display in the Museum.In the middle of the display hall there are a number of computer and interactive displays which proved popular with the noisy throngs of kids present.
Another drawcard was the large model railway based loosely on Nagoya.There were model buildings of JR Central Towers and Nagoya TV Tower around which model shinkansen trains circled endlessly.
With their noses and fingers pressed firmly against the display glass an employee was constantly wiping the surfaces clean.
The photo above shows the interior of one car.It had a shiny wooden floor and seemed quite spacious.
I quite liked the yellow paintwork on this car.It certainly is distinctive and must have stood out.
Outside the Museum are two huge drill bits that were used in the excavation of the subway tunnels.Below is a closer look at the business end of the drills.
While the kids seemed to enjoy themselves its not really a place to linger unless you are a trainspotter type.There were no English language signs or labels.Nor did it seem there were any pamphlets in English or other languages on hand.
On the plus side entry to the Museum is free.
Check their website for more details..www.kotsu.city.nagoya.jp/
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