Been a busy week.One of the schools Ive been working at closed this week.As part of the company restructuring plan schools currently in supermarket chains will be relocated to other premises.Cheaper and smaller.While it appears there are more schools and chances to have lessons it is problematic as most will only have one instructor and arent open seven days a week.It seems pretty pointless to give students the ability to book their teachers over the internet if theres only one or two available.
Im starting at a new location today which will be my new home school.Have to wait and see how it pans out.
Just a quick note that Ive added a "Frequent Feature" section on the page.Just click on the relevant button.The labels are fairly general,for example,the Japanese food section contains a mixture of past bento,cake and confectionery shots.
Finally I must give credit for the two photos in todays section to my mate Peter.Cheers.
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