I took this shot of a morning glory flower,known in Japan as asagao(literally "morning face") earlier in the week.A popular ornamental plant here,it apparently arrived via China in the ninth century.The vine like creeper with its green foilage and iridescent blooms are a feature of the rainy season and early summer.
That was earlier in the week,for as I type,Typhoon Number 4,so-named as its the fourth of the season, is bearing down on the country.The asagao blooms are all firmly closed.Despite temperatures in the high 20s the rain has stopped them opening.
The typhoon has already hit Okinawa and the bottom of Kyushu and should reach the main island of Honshu on Sunday.Its packing strong winds as the news reports say and has led to flooding,evacuations and travel disruptions.
We are already feeling the effects here in Nagoya as its been constantly raining the last two days here and the humidity level has increased.Almost as though in anticipation of the approaching winds and rain.Evidently some 250mm of rainfall is predicted by the Met Office to fall by this time tomorrow night.
What with the weather playing up and being forced to work a late shift yesterday I slept in this morning.I had fully intended to make my way down to the Nagoya Prefectural Gym and take in day six of the Nagoya Summer Sumo Tournament.But having slept in and keeping a weary eye on the weather I didnt make it.Still theres another week to go so I should totter down there early next Friday,alarm clock willing.
Not only the weather put me off but also the fact that two wrestlers had already pulled out including Baruto with another knee injury after just the first day.Ive only seen the 1.97 metre 172 kilo Estonian once live in action at Nagoya so was disappointed I wont see him in action again this year...
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