The current Nova saga ground on in the background last week overtaken by other stories including a meat plant scandal in Hokkaido and the bigger Social Insurance Agency story that dominated the papers and media before and since the Nova one surfaced.
A small article featured in The Japan Times Sunday 17th June which described plans to issue further shares and possible commercial tie ups.It was also noted a company net loss of 2.5 billion yen loss for the year ending March 31st.
Meanwhile at work staff continue to wallpaper the building with posters of short sales campaigns and apologies.
Nothing in English.Except for a fax from Anders Lundquist Director of the Education Quality Control Center addressed to all instructors. It begins "It has been announced in the media,that for a variety of reasons,the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has required the company to suspend enrollment of new students in courses of longer than one year in duration and courses of more than 105 lessons(70 hours of study) for a period of six months."
It goes on to explain that "the President has issued an apology to students for any worry or concern that this may have caused".
No hint of contrition or acknowledgement of culpability or the fact instructors were also feeling uncertain and have to rely on media reports and speculation.
Still my heart was warmed by his closing remarks."Thank you for your continued efforts to provide high quality lessons to our students".
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